Land at Chapel Fields, York
T&B are advising the landowners on this 26 acre land holding located to the west of York. The landowners approached T&B with 3 weeks remaining to submit detailed representations to the Site Allocations process of the York Local Development Framework. Unwilling to commit the financial resources to submit a detailed representation themselves, the landowners instructed T&B to secure a third party to submit, and pay for this work. Immediately T&B agreed suitable terms with a strategic land promoter for a Planning Promotion Agreement (PPA), who speculatively committed the necessary financial resources and time in preparing a submitting a detailed promotion document to York City Council.
Since the submission of these representations, a PPA has been formally entered in to and the land continues to be promoted through the ongoing York Local Development Framework. The promoters progress continues to be monitored by T&B. Should the land be allocated for development and subsequently, planning consent be secured, T&B will market and sell the land on behalf of the landowner and promoter.
We were able to secure a promoter at extremely short notice and commit them to submitting representations within a very tight timeframe, whilst delivering an extensive and detailed document that is a fundamental element of promoting land through the planning system. Should representations not have been submitted at this time, it is likely the landowners would have to wait years before another opportunity presents itself.