Land at Chestnut Drive, Louth
Acting on behalf of a Private Family Trust, T&B identified the most appropriate strategy to deliver planning permission on this strategic 30 acre opportunity to the east of Louth was to agree a Planning Promotion Agreement (PPA) with a third party. Having executed a competitive selection process, T&B together with the landowners agreed a PPA with KCS Development. KCS subsequently secured a Housing Allocation in the adopted Local Plan followed by Outline planning consent for up to 300 dwellings. Working together, KCS and T&B identified a phased disposal as the most appropriate strategy to deliver maximum value from the site. The sale of the first 10 acres, delivering 100 homes completed following the granting of Reserved Matters to Lovell Developments in 2018. A subsequent sale was completed to Chestnut Homes for 59 units, delivering a key piece of infrastructure for the wider site. The final phase of 141 units completed in May 2022, again to Lovell Developments following the granting of Reserved Matters planning consent.